Estate Auction
Freeman Yoder Auctions, LLC
Estate Auction
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 4:30PM
Estate of Danny Shields
ADDRESS: 964 Sandy Hill Road, Mayport, PA 16240 Between Ringgold and Mayport PA on Route 536. Watch for signs.
2003 100th Anniversary Harley Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle (well kept, nice!)
TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: MT 600L XYPower 4×4 side-by-side (4 door, 4 seater), Tractor Supply 5×8 open trailer (wire mesh), 275 gallon water tanks, grain auger, fence posts, Reliant 15w40 oil (new 55 gallon oil can), horse drawn 2-bottom plow, 3-pt hitch bale spear, plastic tubs, metal barrels, long handle tools, long handled tools, Craftsman router, concrete tools, Master 135btu heater, air tank, air jack, (2) steam Jennys, jumper cables, Dewalt tools, Jonsered chainsaw, air tools, wrenches, all kinds of hand tools, 3000psi pressure washer, torches with tanks, A.C. 225 amp Lincoln welder, bench grinder, bolt bin with bolts, U.S. General tool box, ATV lift, battery charger, air compressor, hose reel, chains, weed trimmers, pallet jack, reel mower, impact sockets, step ladders, truck wheel dolly, extension ladders, extension cords, wheel barrow, fuel tanks, shop light, spray paint, hardware, wire tomato stakes, barbed wire, screw jack, blacksmith vise, jog cart, fencing supplies, fire extinguisher, antifreeze, oil and more…
MISCELLANEOUS & FURNITURE: Hand painted wood sign “Have Saw – Will Travel”, horse tack & hames, wash tub, antique washer, vanity, end stands, tables, chairs, benches, gun cabinet, cabinet, tread mill, chest of drawers, grill, metal desk, glider, dresser, bird feeder, homemade cannon, brass blade fan, milk bottle, washboards, WWII canteen, motorcycle vests, chaps and accessories, baskets, enamelware, galvanized tub, saddle, leather gun case, china, nail keg, lanterns, Corelle and more.
Approximately 100 box lots will be sold first.
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card (with 4% service charge) or approved PA check w/ID.
Announcements made on day of sale take precedence over advertising.