Multiple Estate Auction
Freeman Yoder Auction Center
Multiple Estate Auction
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 3:00PM
ADDRESS/DIRECTIONS: Auction being held at Freeman Yoder Auction Center, 199 Tipple Rd, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. From Punxsutawney, take Route 36 South about 7.5 miles to Tipple Rd (T668), turn right, go about 1/4th mile. Auction Center is on the right. Watch for signs.
(including Estate of London’s Chocolates)
TOOLS: Troy-Bilt rototiller, lawn cart, long handled tools, sand blaster, Road Grinder w/32hp Wisconsin engine (gas tank leak), vintage tools, hand tools, Coleman lantern, galvanized tub, metal shop cart, spoke shaver, hardware, scoops, vintage Toledo scale, early tool tote, plastic totes, vises, heater, bench grinders, B&D Workmate 550, router & table, SK socket set, 10 gallon air tank, power tools, drill bits, tool boxes, organizers, 3/4hp Craftsman air compressor, battery charger, 10” radial arm saw, scroll saw and much more.
COLLECTIBLES: circa 1940s PA Game Commission colorful posters (local), Lionel trains and weather station, records, Halloween, Easter and Christmas items, Shiny Brite ornaments, local advertising, antique photographs, tin types, scrapbooks, postcards, sheath knife, draw knife, vintage shaving items, sterling candlesticks, Century Sterling silverware (8-soup spoons @~1.106 ozt each, 8-spoons @~.911 ozt each, 8-salad forks @~1.108 ozt each, 8-dinner forks @~ 1.565 ozt each, 2-serving spoons @~ 1.784 ozt each, 1-serving fork @~ 2.621 ozt, 8-dinner knives @~ 1.914 each (stainless steel blades) and 1-cake server @~ 2.789 (stainless steel blade)), quilts, Pennzoil banks, new candy boxes, chocolate molds, early mouse trap, Griswold dutch over (no lid), barn lantern, miner’s bucket, store paper cutter, sleds, military clothing, syrup buckets, vintage toys, large variety of books, stamp albums, vintage radios, Depression glass, canning jars, ephemera, Historical Atlas of Jefferson County, store cigarette rack, comic books, air pistol, insulators, wood ironing boards, sad irons, cow bell, records, Dinky Toy (fork lift), CAT heavy equipment collectibles, video game systems, Nintendo 64 games, wood toy train, Christmas lights, vintage wood blocks, Legos, doll cradle, Lionel clocks, cookie jar, carnival glass, wooden medicine cabinet, trumpet, vintage bird posters and much more.
GUNS: Remington model 722 257 Roberts, Winchester model 250 22 and Case knives
HOUSEHOLD: glassware, cookbooks, baker’s rack, vintage aluminum kitchenware, Pyrex, doilies/linens, meat grinders, claw foot slant top desk, treadle sewing machine, large rolling pin, pottery, computer (w/accessories), scanner, Easter and Halloween decorations, canisters, Franciscanware, china, Pyrex, FireKing, beer glasses, pans, stainless pots, coolers, aluminum roasters, water can, children’s chairs, stands, table lamps, oak lamp, buffet, china closet, tables and much more.
Approximately 425 box lots will be sold first.
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TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. 6% PA sales tax. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence over any in the advertising.