Multiple Estate Auction Tueday, October 31, 2017 at 4:00PM

ADDRESS / DIRECTIONS: Auction being held at 14342 Route 36, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. From Punxsutawney, take Route 36 South about 4 1/2 Miles. Auction Hall is on the Left. Watch for signs.
COLLECTIBLES: Sterling items, air-brush Jackson China, children’s 45 records in sleeves, blacksmith vise, cookie jars, stained glass, pedal tractor, porcelain Mail Pouch thermometer, wall phone, stick phone, Fostoria, Fire King, pocket knives, marbles, Zippo lighters. costume jewelry, pop crates, fishing creel, Griswold waffle iron, Coleman lantern, 1906 New York wood beer keg and much more.
TOOLS/MISC: 10′ Sit On Kayak (new), electric pressure washer, hand tools, vise, hardware, Milwaulkee sander, fishing items, step ladder, extension ladder, fuel cans, trouble light, bench grinder, Delta chop saw, Milwaulkee sawzall, bench top drill press and band saw, large propane grill and much more.
FURNITURE/MISC: Drop leaf table, sewing machines, lift chair, rockers, lamps, end stands, coffee table, 26″ flat screen TV, canning jars, desk w/chair, corner hutch, side board, dressing vanity, dressers, beds, sofa, outdoor furniture, tea cart and more.
Many items not listed.
Approximately 425 – BOX LOTS. (BOX LOTS TO BE SOLD FIRST)
TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or approved PA check with proper ID. Announcements made on the day of the sale, take precedence of any in the advertising.